A Story of Redemption
Port Elizabeth, like Cape Town, has also carried the burdens of this broken country. Rich versus poor, black versus white, my way versus your way. Apartheid is over, but this country still has a long way to go.
I don’t really know where I’m going with this. I guess I was just thinking, South Africa’s unique history, in some ways, presents a unique challenge to this group of teenagers. Standing up for truth will have to look a little different on this side of the world. But, the truth is still the same, no matter what side of the world you are on. Our world in general has a broken history, beginning way in back in Genesis with the fall. Since then we’ve been screwing it and ourselves up in millions of different ways. And I know God hates it. God hates the evil in our world and he hates the evil inside us. And it’s hard to reconcile that with the fact that He is still sovereign. I guess the thing is, our brokenness has never been outside of His grasp. Our history is a story of redemption.
The Israelites were redeemed from oppressive Egypt. The sins of Joseph’s brothers were redeemed by the success of Joseph. The tragic death of Ruth’s husband was redeemed by Boaz. The sins of Rahab were redeemed when she risked her life for God’s people. The blood of God Himself has washed our screw-ups and the evil in our hearts away. God is in the business of redemption. Even now! A broken relationship provides an opportunity to serve God in Africa. A child from a broken family gets wrapped up in the arms of a new, loving family. A girl involved under the bondage of sex and drugs, falls to the bottom of the pit and lands in the arms of the Savior. It is so beautiful! Only God himself is capable of creating such beauty from such a mess.
So, South Africa, stand up in this generation. Don’t settle for less than the beauty of reconciliation and peace and equality. Strive to make it better.