I love it when God amazes me. If I weren’t so caught up in my selfish ways I would be living in a constant state of amazement. But as it is, I am thankful for the times when God reveals Himself to me in unexpected and mind-boggling ways!
As I have been raising support for my trip during the past few weeks I have felt incredibly burdened. I have been doubting that the support would come in and feeling defeated and timid when talking to potential supporters. Basically it boils down to not believing that God can raise the money I need! Oh how I underestimate…
Currently I have $2,500 in my account and $1500 in pledges, for a total of $4000. This puts me at almost 50%. I stand amazed and humbled before a God who is able to do far more than we can ask or imagine!
Thank you to all the people who have supported me this far. I am incredibly grateful and feel so priveleged to have you as a part of my ministry team. I praise God for raising up people who are eager to store up treasures in Heaven!
Please continue to pray for me as I prepare financially and spiritually for this trip. I still have more to raise but I no longer feel burdened at the thought. Instead I am expectantly and confidently waiting for God to amaze me once again!